Work Portfolio

Video Projects

The projects below showcase the products of my planning, script writing, filming and editing abilities.


Retrieving your Restaurant Month Pass

View the full campaign portfolio here

Town of Addison II oct 2021

This video was created as a tutorial, demonstrating to the public, how they can use their devices to get involved in a promotional event occurring in the month of November. 

Addison Events Reel

View Taste Addison campaign portfolio here

Town of Addison II Feb 2022

This video is a compilation reel highlighting all of Addison's annual events  and their dates for the year of 2022.

Flyers and Graphics

Below are examples of fliers that I have created.


Below are essays and scripts that showcase my writing abilities.  Also see my Biz  Blog.

Reports and Presentations

Below are reports and research presentations completed during my graduate program. 



Graduate Photography - Canon EOS Rebel T3i